Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mother Spider

Stretching as far as I am able
I reach for the outermost sticky cable
with more line
to patch the tear
but from this angle I can see
more irregular holes in the shimmer:
I keep working steadily.
I keep my balance.

"I am in Repairs."
I say when asked for my occupation;
deftly tying another invisible bow
feeling around for the next thread in the pattern.
While, at the same time,
using another couple of hands to type at the computer
or hoe the soil,
or hug you tight.
My tangible contributions
to mending the Web.


Amy Harold said...

ooooooooooooooooooooo I love this one! I like the invisible strands that from an angle you can see the irregular shimmer, and the writing and gardening and parenting that is you web. Wonderful poem!!! Thank you for sharing it with me.

Amy Harold said...

I just keep reading "Mother Spider" over and over. "Feeling around for the next thread in the pattern."

Unknown said...

Test comment. Where or where will this little comment go, where or where can it be?