Saturday, June 21, 2008



I slip my index finger gently
around the neck of Queen Anne's Lace
or Dandelion
where stalk meets soil;
my other fingers
support the coil,
twist and pull.
The weed slides out easily
and if I was an elephant
harvesting roots
with the finger at the end of my trunk
my next step would be
to feed it into my mouth and chew
while methodically reaching out
for the next weedy neck.
Wind the Finger.
Gently Pull.
Raise to Mouth....

The sun beats down upon my back.
I am hot;
covered in dust.
I am surrounded by
people I love
who work nearby
and smell of heat and soil.

I hold the moment firmly,
give it a gently twist
and savor the juiciness.
My mouth waters
and then my eyes.

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