Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunstar on the Prowl

Words elude me.

Like a sunstar on the move
I will find those words if it's the last thing I --
I feel around the sandy bottom
identifying everything as I go
reading with every hungry tentacle:
anemone, coral, kelp, seastar flying away, clam too,
rock, more rock, a hiding fish in the crevice and no time to trap it.
Where are the Words?!
Geez, I hope they're not with my missing sock that disappeared from the laundry.
Although wet wrinkled words are better than none at all.
Words! Words! How I yearn for you!
Consumed with the hunt
I spread my sensitive tendril-fingers in all directions
Are there enough bon mots in the ocean? Never!
Insatiable Word Predator.

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