Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Immigrants to Waldron

Like dandelion fluff we arrive
on this remote island,
step out of our gear,
turn and gather our parachutes,
slap each other on the back, wise-crack,
and begin to notice our surroundings.

Like dandelion fluff of old,
now called "Waldronites"
we hail from everywhere
hitching the prevailing breeze
among the kiting vultures
and the ragweed pollen.
On our meandering route
the air was thick as rush-hour traffic
but gusts appear and disappear
- apparitions of off-ramps and carpool lanes -
and suddenly
here we are.

In this delivery:
one from near Toronto,
one born close to the Arctic Circle,
one from California,
and one from Guatemala.
With determination
we set about creating home.

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